Embolden Soul
Embolden Soul
Dr. Siobhan France PT, DPT

Live in full expression of yourself & grow in life + biz

A place to LEARN.

You go through a curriculum learning HOW to live by design.
You learn how to THINK bigger and BE BIGGER. 

A place to GROW.

You develop habits & routines that integrate your highest self. You will embody all parts of who you are and show up authentically in your life & business.

A place to EXPAND.

You learn & grow while you watch EXPANSION take place in your life. It will show up in ways you didn't even expect, which is exactly what's supposed to happen.

A place to CONNECT.

Nothing beats community and connection of other like-minded dynamic creatives doing the work with you. Cultivate new friendships and feel safe in this place.

A place to CELEBRATE.

Celebrate your superpower.Take up space.
Be bold and be celebrated for it.

What You'll Get Inside:

  • CURRICULUM for learning how to design your life, spark and expand your creativity
  • A CONNECTED COMMUNITY of like-minded humans who are here to embody their superpower just like you
  • LIVE GROUP COACHING SESSIONS every single month for your chance to get 1:1 coaching 

About Siobhan (your host)

Siobhan France is a doctor of physical therapy of 10 years.
The theme of her life has always been feeling BIG emotions and not knowing how to process them and instead tried to create success by avoiding them.  She now knows the difference between starting a business while pushing away from her empathy and one where she embraces it. (If you're here and reading this, and joining her community, this is her business where she embraces empathy as her superpower and teaching you how as well). Siobhan helps empaths and highly sensitives master themselves and embody who they are so they can create a life and business they absolutely LOVE!